You’re ready to unsubscribe from the expectation that you have to forego your own well-being to be a “good” mom (whatever that actually means). 


What IS mothering oneself mindfully?

As a mother, you may know what you need to feel good, but the reason why you aren’t actually doing it has NOTHING to do with your lack of desire or awareness. It has EVERYTHING to do with the season of life that you’re in. And chances are, it has a LOT to do with not having the support you need to actually do the things you need to do to feel good.

I’m Sarah! 

I’m a licensed mental health professional, mindfulness teacher, and mother. I offer tools and resources that empower you to show up as the parent (and human!) you want to be. Learn more.


Mothering oneself mindfully. What does it actually mean? And better yet, how do I even do it? I’m so glad you asked. 😉

For many humans, there is a gap between what we know is good for us, and what we are actually doing.

Here is me demonstrating this gap (I’m a visual learner!) 🧐

And, of course, when we’re not making time for ourselves to do the things we know are good for us, we feel burned out, unhappy, distracted, overwhelmed, tired, sore, etc. We do NOT feel like the best version of ourselves.

But this doesn’t account for the full picture because it doesn’t consider the season of life that we’re in.

For example, as a mother, you may know what you need to feel good, but the reason why you aren’t actually doing it has NOTHING to do with your lack of desire or awareness. It has EVERYTHING to do with the season of life that you’re in. And chances are, it has a LOT to do with not having the support you need to actually do the things you need to do to feel good.

And so what happens in this gap? 

We beat ourselves up for not doing ENOUGH!

In the gap between what we know is good for us, and what we’re actually doing, there is a whole lot of shame, judgment, and frustration. 

This shame, judgment, and frustration is the LAST thing that actually helps us to close the gap and feel better in our mind, body, and parenting. 

Mothering Onself Mindfully program

The MOM Program will help you…

  • Close the gap and make time for the things that help you feel good/better/present/healthy
  • Clear out the unhelpful thoughts and feelings you’re having about this gap
  • Get clarity on the actionable steps that you can take to support your own mental and physical health

Here’s what MOM Program alums have to say about their experience…

If you want clarity on the steps you can take to be kinder and more caring towards yourself, and the support to do it, the MOM Program has your back.

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