Your Path For Thriving
Awaken and cultivate your intuition.
Tend to the roots of what gets in the way.
Transform generational patterns.
Awaken and cultivate your intuition. Tend to the roots of what gets in the way. Transform generational patterns.
You’re ready to unsubscribe from the expectation that you have to forego your own well-being to be a “good” mom (whatever that actually means).
You want to be a present mother who prioritizes being the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.
You’re ready to move from surviving to thriving.
But you know you need someone in your corner to help you navigate exactly what to do and how to do it!
After 2+ decades of learning, training, practicing, and integrating, I am beyond excited to introduce you to this science and mother-backed roadmap to create your own personal “better way” for yourself.
FLOURISH is a science-backed, interactive, and integration-focused program for women who want to be present and resilient mothers. You’ll learn to set intentional boundaries and become the most present, resilient and happiest version of yourself while simultaneously breaking generational and societal patterns and teaching your kids that a different way of being and doing is possible.
If you’re like me, you want to cut the fluff and know exactly what you’re signing up for, along with proof that it will help you.
Let’s start with the destination... what does it even mean to flourish as a woman and mother in this season of your life?
To create new models of being and doing for yourself and your family that break free from cycles of floundering and establish cycles of flourishing, you need to know where you want to go and forge a clear path for getting there.
But how do you change?
If you’re a mother, it’s likely that you are fed up with the universal status quo—overwhelmed and time-starved, with few (if any!) activities that actually recharge you.
However, when you look around you in society and your family lineage, you struggle to find healthy models of thriving in motherhood.
While you know (or hope?!) that it must be possible to feel differently in this season and stage, you are unclear as to who or what can actually help you. You can barely keep up with the never-ending laundry and meal prepping, let alone tend to your needs (what are those anyway?).
This lack of clarity and support leads to feeling more overwhelmed and hopeless that things will change. You feel like you have to suck it up and deal instead of facing the parts of your life and yourself that aren’t serving you.
Why do you have to be the one to break cycles and create new ones? Aren’t you already doing enough, for Pete’s sake!?
You can’t ignore the part of you that feels ashamed that you haven't been able to figure this out on your own.
The solution to your struggle, and the secret to your personal thriving, involves the inner work needed to get to the root of the struggle and to begin to heal.
What is the root of the problem? And how do you identify the internal beliefs and patterns that are no longer serving you, let alone change them?
And if you’re really honest, the idea of “looking under the hood,” especially as it relates to generational patterns, seems big, scary, and HARD.
You can’t help but feel the inequity around all the societal and cultural contributors to this “status quo” of motherhood.
I see you….
I get you….
I'm with you.
But I also know that there’s something within you that knows things should be (and can be) different. There is a better way—one that doesn’t involve being a lesser version of yourself so that you can be a “good” mom to your children.
I understand the crushing weight of managing the mental load of motherhood while also juggling work, your marriage, and all the other life things.
I understand that it feels easier to fill your time continually serving others rather than focusing on what you need to thrive.
I also get the confusion about who or what can actually help!?
As a mother without a healthy mother model, a therapist, and a mindfulness teacher, I too was desperate for a way out of floundering and into flourishing.
I have questioned, “Why me? Why am I the one who has to break these generational patterns?”
After doing this work personally and professionally, I have come to believe that this work chose me. Ultimately, the biggest purpose and honor of my life (and I know the women in The School of MOM agree!) is to step into a new level of consciousness and thriving, for ourselves and our families.
You CAN’T do this work alone and you shouldn’t be expected to forego your own needs and sacrifice yourself to be a “good” mom.
In fact, what if the opposite were true? Learning to prioritize, take care of your needs, and flourish in this season of life is the core ingredient to being the mom you want to be.
"The School of MOM opened my eyes to the power of mindfulness and gave me space to learn how to practice it."
"Sarah's expertise is only surpassed by her warmth, compassion and commitment to helping women cope with stress, uncertainty and life's daily grind. The School of MOM has enabled me to connect with a community of women who offer support, understanding and a sense of belonging in a world that can be isolating at times.
I've only just begun to explore the practice of mindfulness and can clearly see the benefits of incorporating it into my life. I give all the credit to The School of MOM."
- Amanda
"Finding connection with other women in The School of MOM has been a true solace.
Sarah helps us share our experiences in a way that is revealing and honest, but still comfortable. I don’t think it’s easy to find a community of supportive and positive moms, even under the best of circumstances. Sarah has built that community with The School of MOM."
- Amelia
"One of the most helpful parts of The School of MOM was the sense of community.
Even though we are all doing this virtually, there is a sense that we are working along side each other as like-minded mothers to find ways to find peace in the midst of chaos so that we can then better mother our children. I am finding that I am more aware of my triggers, more aware of what my body needs (movement!!!!), and in turn, working on self-compassion. This is a process and a journey. The School of MOM helped me to feel less like I am flailing in the world and gave me direction."
- Jess
"Working with Sarah has changed my life and unlocked my soul to experiencing myself, my life, and motherhood in the way I’ve always wanted.
She keeps its 100% real, offers you 360 support via extensive resources, yoga practice, mindfulness, and helping to reframe how I approached my anxiety and internal negative dialog. She’s extremely well read and brings that as a foundation coupled with her authentic way of connecting with you right where you're at....and always never with judgment. Sarah’s incorporation of mindfulness and self-compassion have unearthed the tools of mothering myself which is something I hadn’t done for myself and now that I’m a mom, is more important than ever."
- Christina
When you’re in the sludge of motherhood, flourishing can seem impossible.
But the truth is, The Flourished Mother lives within all of us. She embraces all parts of herself with a mindful, discerning, and loving presence. She is here to witness and honor the FULL spectrum of her own humanness and motherhood.
She lives in YOU; it’s just a matter of learning…
What flourishing feels and looks like for YOU
How to tap into your innate flourishing
Ultimately, you’ll feel into your own personal version of flourishing
but here are a few examples of what you might be moving towards and cultivating on your personal path:
Establish your community plot and plan to GET IN THE GARDEN!
Chances are, you struggle to find time for yourself, so you’re (rightly!) worried about having the time to follow through with this program in the first place!
Our tailored process and curriculum was built with busy moms in mind. This is why we start with tackling time management challenges head-on, including the inner and outer work of setting boundaries and establish habits that will not only support you in FLOURISH, but in your life-long journey of thriving.
Here's how we will help you Find and navigate your Personal Path to Flourishing in the School of MOm:
Becoming a Mindful Gardeness
Ready to embrace a new way of feeling and acting? Start by fully embracing your present experience with mindfulness, acceptance, and self-compassion.
FLOURISH integrates ancient wisdom and modern science to empower and equip you to become a mindful gardener gardeness 😉of your own well-being, nourishing yourself with care and wisdom.
Tending to Your Roots and Weeds
Uncover the influence of your ancestors and your biology on your life and personal patterns. Gain insights into why you think, feel, and act the way you do, fostering self-compassion along the way.
With newfound awareness and skills in mindfulness and self-compassion, you'll navigate life's ups and downs with more patience and grace and intentionally create positive new patterns for you and your family.
Cultivating YOUR Unique Flourishing Recipe
In our comprehensive onboarding process (which includes 1:1 support), we will work with you to discover and discern what your personalized recipe for sustainably nourishing the happiest, healthiest version of yourself looks like in this season and stage of your life.
While you will be journey-ing alongside other moms, there is no one size fits all path. Every 6 months, we re-visit your personal path to flourishing to ensure you get the personalized attend and support you need for the garden that is you continue to thrive through all stages and season.
With these foundations cultivated, you'll continue to plant and nourish the seeds of what you desire in your life. You'll be able to deepen into and expand your lived experience of "how good can it get" when it comes to flourishing in life and motherhood.
Here's a sneak peak inside the School of MOM community...
You can see the path, but how do you get there?
Your path for FLOURISHING involves these key ingredients:
Our unique FLOURISH Framework has been intentionally curated for Moms by a Mom, therapist and mindfulness teacher with over 15 years of professional experience. It is rooted in psychology, neurobiology, and mindfulness to help you make conscious and life changing shifts in your mind & body.
Accessible, science-backed skills and tools to add to your “thriving you” toolshed that are custom-designed and tweaked for mothers who require efficiency AND efficacy in their busy lives
Support is EVERYTHING when it comes to FLOURISHing as a Mom and that's why it's our biggest priority. Between 1:1 support with your personalized path to flourishing, weekly live calls to help you integrate what you’re learning and our private community with Moms on your shared journey, we have your back.
Monthly Musings with Sarah where you will gain wisdom, insight and powerful perspective on "hot" topics coming up in life and motherhood
Nervous System Healing and Mindfulness class taught by Sarah (known as our MOM OM) that includes Yoga Tune Up Therapy Ball Rolling (her all-time favorite self-care tools), mindfulness and gentle yoga/movement
2x Integration/Q&A calls where we play, practice, and dive into deep conversation with each other
Guest/Faculty Classes, including our Quarterly "Exploring your Lineage" calls to dive into generational patterning, the mother wound, and how to be intentional about what you’re modeling for your kids
Here's how our live calls breakdown:
You'll also receive...
Creating intentional time and space for mothering yourself on your calendar takes planning! Once a quarter, we will gather and have some fun supporting each other to tap into the wisest guide there is - our bodies! - to design the months ahead so that they reflect the goals, priorities, and values of our most aligned self.
Quarterly Path to Flourishing Co-Working Sessions
Rest is something we all know we need, but feels impossible to prioritize and access! Since learning (key word) how to rest is such a key component of mothering ourselves, we will have quarterly live Rest Classes throughout the year with our amazing community Mom and Rest teacher, Ali Schmitt.
Quarterly Live Rest Classes
with Ali
To flourish is a VERB, which means it’s an active process that needs consistent checking in, re-evaluating, and tweaking. And humans aren't built to flourish alone, which is why you'll have a community of professionals and peers that is here to help you every step of the way. Every 6 months in FLOURISH, you get to book a 1:1 call, re-do/ re-assess your personal path to flourishing and receive your revised individual plan.
Personal Reflection and Planning Accountability Support
As a FLOURISH member, you will get insider access to any pop-up programs that Sarah runs throughout the year, as well as first access and discounts to in person retreats and individual support. You will also receive access to our comprehensive vault of resources, including NOURISH (a library of mothering yourself practices), Time Freedom and Cyclical Living for Moms
Insider Access
to Recap...
or $150/mo
12 months:
or $333/mo
12 months + support:
6x bimonthly 1:1’s with Sarah
The Power of Individual Support
"I've gotten more out of this one session with you than years of therapy."
Ok, sounds interesting, but what will I actually be doing for myself in FLOURISH?!
I’m a visual learner and teacher and live for/love a good metaphor, so I want to introduce you to the best and most accurate metaphor I know for learning how to thrive in motherhood: Mother Nature herself.
Think of FLOURISH as the personal and professional support you need to look at the garden that is YOU. First, tend to the soil and clear out the weeds that are getting in the way of your thriving. Then, learn how to plant seeds, tend to, and grow yourself so that you can thrive and be a healthy model for your future lineage.
To tend your garden, you need to pick a plot that supports your growth and then make a plan to make it a place to thrive! Remember, even your hardy succulents need a little TLC.
"To say Sarah and The School of MOM has helped me become a better mom, wife, business partner, and boss, essentially a better human, would be a vast understatement.
She has helped me work towards becoming the best version of myself through giving my strategies to help cultivate better relationships both personally and professionally by teaching me how to have control over my actions, by first changing my thoughts.
She has taught me how to be more present and appreciative of my time with my kids through mindfulness and the practice of discernment (the pause between feelings and action). She has taught me to be less frustrated with challenging situations and/or people in my life through resetting my expectations and using boundaries.
She is the very best at what she does."
- Jamie O'Day
Here’s what happens when you sign up for FLOURISH:
You will instantly receive your personal path to flourishing assessment so we can get to know ALL about you - what's happening in your life, what is getting in the way of your thriving, and what you ultimately desire. Once we have your assessment, we will hop on a 1:1 call to debrief and get you the support you need to get started with ease and clarity.
For all those A+ student/Type-A’ers out there, please know that the path to flourishing is not linear and you do NOT need to watch every thing, and attend every call to experience "success." While the core curriculum is GOLD, we are passionate about getting you a personalized "prescription" because you may not need or want the same thing as the Mom next to you. It's also important to note that engaging with the program is a mindfulness practice in and of itself, and we LOVE helping our moms get to know themselves simply by observing what expectations they have of the program, and how they "should" engage with it.
Because if you are someone (like most moms I know!) who says, I know I need this and that it can help me, but I don’t have time for it, or I don’t know how I will actually make time for it, and I don’t want to sign up for another thing I won’t follow through on, KNOW THIS:
A huge part of FLOURISH, is learning how to engage with the program and materials so that you can reap the benefits.
How you engage with the program is a ripe opportunity to tend to weeds that may be getting in the way of your thriving and cultivate a new way of being and doing.
In other words, your mindfulness practice begins right away with how you relate to the program and materials, and we are here to hold you through that process every step of the way.
When I say, “We are here to hold you,” what does that mean?
While I (Sarah) am the head teacher in The School of MOM, I am acutely aware that I am only one voice and resource. It is my biggest honor and pleasure to bring together the best and most aligned speakers, teachers, and guides to support all of us in our personal flourishing.
The beauty of FLOURISH is that it, too, is its own garden that we are all co-creating and cultivating together. As we ebb and flow in our journey together, I will bring in whoever we need and desire to support what’s coming up for the collective community.
Here are some incredible teachers who will support your journey FLOURISH...
Therapist & Parenting Coach
Gretchen Herter
Mother to 5(!) & Parenting Coach
Michelle Mady
Co-founders of Nurture by NAPS
Jamie O’Day & Emily Silver
Sex & Couples Therapist
Rebecca Eudy
Professional Priestess
Alexis Lawton
Astrologer and Cosmic Birth & Postpartum Guide
Regina Verret Foster
Anti-racism Educator
Ashani Mfuko
Intuitive Psychologist and Heart-Center Healer
Dr. Lydiana Garcia
Flourish Expert Faculty
Get amazing support from our Flourish team around parenting, nourishing yourself, relationships, anti-racism and activism, lineage healing, and so much more!
“Sarah, I hope you know how incredible the community is that you’ve created here in The School of MOM.” - Stephanie
Meet your support staff:
Ali is a therapist, mom of three, and School of MOM OG. She is here to help you REST and navigate all things FLOURISH, whether it be finding a certain part of the curriculum or jumping on a call to chat through blocks you’re experiencing. Ali will become a go-to resource while you are in FLOURISH.
Ali Schmitt, LICSW
Andrea reeves
Andrea is a true gem and an incredible resource for all of us in the FLOURISH community. She is here to answer all of your questions. Not particularly tech savvy? Can’t add the calls to your calendar? No problem. Andrea is here to guide you every step of the way.
And then there’s me…
The longing to thrive as a woman personally and professionally AND to feel confident and proud of the mother that I am is why I chose and continue to be a student of what I teach in The School of MOM.
As a mental health therapist and teacher, I’ve dedicated thousands of hours and worked with hundreds of clients, supporting them to cultivate a better way for themselves and their families. Combined with the lived experience of being a mother to two girls and doing my own deep work around mothering myself due to a now non-existent relationship with my mother, I can confidently say that I am a seasoned blend of professional and personal experience.
You are your own woman and mother with a unique history, biology, and lived experience. Yet we all share a common thread—we’re human beings with adaptive nervous systems and brains. And we will learn how to harness our humanness for the better together.
If we don’t know each other already, I truly hope we get to. I LOVE and live for connecting with women who are ready to roll up their sleeves and get into the dirt of life and their own psyche with me.
I’m Sarah Harmon, a licensed mental health therapist, yoga and mindfulness teacher, mother to two girls, wife to a numbers-loving accountant, and forever student of my body and mind.
✔︎ Personal Path to Flourishing— A customized approach to help you make time for yourself and navigate your personal path to thriving, including a 1:1 call every 6 months
✔︎ Weekly live calls for ongoing education, support, and integration
✔︎ Quarterly Path to Flourishing co-working sessions
✔︎ Flourished Mother Welcome Gift ( two sets of Yoga Tune-Up Therapy Balls and other goodies to support you in your nervous system healing journey)
✔︎ Support from our amazing faculty in all things parenting, relationships, cyclical living, anti-racism, and MORE
✔︎ Private community discussion space with access to Sarah and fellow FLOURISH members
✔︎ FLOURISH Framework & Curriculum— an intentionally curated compilation of educational resources and tangible tools and practices on mindfulness, the mother wound, healing the nervous system and more —all accessible via a custom app
✔︎ NOURISH Practice Library (compilation of 30+ short mothering yourself mindfully practices) and Resource Vault of Guest/Faculty Talks
✔︎ First access to all in-person opportunities, individual support with Sarah and pop-up classes/programs that come up with the intention to support the collective community needs
or $150/mo
12 months:
or $333/mo
12 months + support:
6x bimonthly 1:1’s with Sarah
The Power of Individual Support
"I've gotten more out of this one session with you than years of therapy."
If you're still reading, really take this in...
When it comes to creating new cycles of being for yourself and your family, that don’t involve self-sacrifice or burnout, you CAN’T do this work alone.
You can’t be expected (as societal and patriarchal programming makes us believe) to forego your own needs or throw in the towel on trying to seek self-care that actually nourishes you!
Prioritizing your ever-evolving needs IS the core ingredient to being the mom you want to be.
When you tend to the roots of what leads you to flounder and struggle and plant and nourish seeds that lead to your own personal flourishing, everyone benefits!
You are the ultimate source of regenerative wellness for yourself and your family; it’s time to say ‘yes’ to the possibility that comes with this truth.
You desire to FLOURISH, and yet - you have no time for yourself to actually do the things that will help you FLOURISH. We get this conundrum! This is why we spend a lot of time up front talking through where you're at, where you ultimately want to be and how we can support you in getting there.
On top of this unique personalized approach, we have a weekly cadence of live calls. All calls are recorded except the Integration/Q&A calls to preserve confidentiality and create a safe space for everyone to show up. You can download the schedule here.
- First week of the month: Tuesday 1 pm EST - Monthly Musings with Sarah
- Second week of the month: Monday 7:45 pm EST Nervous System Healing and Mindfulness class taught by Sarah (known as our MOM OM) to help you that includes Yoga Tune Up Therapy Ball Rolling (my and the women in The School of MOM’s ALL TIME favorite self-care and embodiment tools), mindfulness and gentle yoga/movement
- Third week of the month: Tuesday 1 pm EST and Thursday 10 am EST— 2x Integration/Q&A calls where we play, practice and dive into deep conversation with each other
- Fourth week of the month: Thursday 12 pm EST - Guest/Faculty Calls including our Quarterly "Exploring your Lineage" call where we dive into generational patterning, the mother wound, and how to be intentional about what you’re modeling for your kids
- We also have 2x Additional Quarterly Live calls including an evening Rest with Ali class and our Quarterly Path to Flourishing co-working sessions. Creating intentional time and space for mothering yourself on your calendar takes planning! Once a quarter, we will gather for these co-working sessions and have some fun supporting each other to tap into the wisest guide there is - our bodies! - to design the months ahead so that they reflect the goals, priorities, and values of our most aligned self.
If the call times don't align with you, we will work with you in your 1:1 Personalized Path to Flourishing to ensure you engage with the program and show up for yourself to step into the next level of thriving you so desire.
Just like nature (because we are nature!), we take time to evolve and grow. We can't stress enough how important it is to give yourself space and time to engage with and get the most out of FLOURISH, especially with all that life and motherhood will inevitably throw at you! This is why we are passionate about saying yes to 12 months of support. Many of our community members are living examples of how important space and time are, and they are now going on year 3 or 4 of being in the community as they continue to experience profound growth and benefits that they never knew were possible!
YES! I am so excited to be moving towards more in-person opportunities. As a FLOURISH member, you have an insider invitation to in-person events, including my intimate small group program called Radical Flourishing. This program is eight months and includes 2x in-person retreats, regular small group (6-7 women) calls, and 1:1 coaching/somatic healing calls. You will also have first access and a FLOURISH discount to any one off in-person retreats.
I basically wrote this question for myself as I have signed up for SO many programs and courses over the years that I haven’t followed through with. FLOURISH is a product of all of my learnings over the years for what works/doesn’t work for moms. And what I KNOW, is that we need a combination of individual and group support to thrive, which is why we have a combination of the two in The School of MOM.
Just like you can’t get strong if you don’t lift the weight (the famous gym analogy!), you can’t make a change in your life without putting in some effort. To cultivate the flourishing garden that is YOU, you will have to get your hands dirty and pull out the watering can. With that said, a big part of this program is helping you make intentional time for yourself to engage with the program! And we know from hearing from hundreds of women who have now been a part of The School of MOM that you can get life changing results from all levels of engagement. For example, we have women that only show up for a few lives a month and report that they are COMPLETELY different humans than they were before they started.
The bottom line is: you get out what you put in, AND we are going to help you put in what works and feels good for you.
YES - it's important to feel like this is a YES, even if it feels a little edgy and uncomfortable. You can book a 15 minute chat HERE with Sarah to discuss any questions you have and whether FLOURISH is a good fit for you at this season and stage of your life.
Every woman, every mom deserves to FLOURISH. If you're experiencing financial hardship and cannot make the monthly payments, please email We'll work with you to either provide a scholarship or find a rate that fits your budget - no questions asked.
If you can afford the investment but feel hesitant about spending on yourself, know that this often stems from deep-rooted beliefs about self-worth and money—patterns that often trace back through our maternal lineage. This is why the mother wound is also called the money wound. By investing in your own growth and healing through FLOURISH, you're transforming these patterns for yourself, reaping the benefits of the program and creating positive change that flows to your children as well.
You may still be wondering what makes this different from the podcasts you listen to or the myriad of social media influencers you've encountered with posts like “5 ways to decrease your mental load as a mother.” Let's be honest - I have a podcast you can go listen to and get some of the insight and wisdom I share in FLOURISH. But... are you actually walking the walk of what you are hearing, learning and know you want to do?
How are those podcasts and tips and tricks working out for you?
The real problem and the only sustainable solution to your struggle runs much deeper than a quick surface-level fix.
Get the science-backed interactive, integration-focused support from a trusted professional that you need to BECOME the present and resilient mother you know you can be.
Why not simultaneously break generational and societal patterns and teach your kids that a different way of being and doing is possible along the way?