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The Nervous System

Understanding the Nervous System: A Guide to Your Inner World

The nervous system is the “pool we swim in.” Everything we feel and experience is in the context of our own nervous systems. And guess what? No two humans will experience this exactly the same way.  Researchers estimate that the nervous system is driving the majority (around 90+%!) of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings. 

I’m Sarah! 

I’m a licensed mental health professional, mindfulness teacher, and mother. I offer tools and resources that empower you to show up as the parent (and human!) you want to be. Learn more.


I’m guessing you’ve heard the line, “Change your thoughts, change your world.”

And this is true. Your thoughts lead you to have emotions (which each human feels in their own unique way), and those emotions lead to feelings that drive behaviors (action/inaction) that lead to outcomes.

So, if we change our thoughts, we can change our outcomes. That’s great news!!

AND… how much success have YOU had at changing your thoughts?

The most reliable way to change your world is not via your brain because of a little thing called your nervous system

The nervous system is the “pool we swim in.” Everything we feel and experience is in the context of our own nervous systems. And guess what? No two humans will experience this exactly the same way.  Researchers estimate that the nervous system is driving the majority (around 90+%!) of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings. 

I’m not a math whiz, but I can clearly see that it makes NO SENSE to spend our energy trying to change the 10% of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings that are conscious when we can work with the remaining 90% by focusing on making small, incremental shifts in our nervous system.

Efficiency is key for most humans, and I would say that efficiency is ESPECIALLY KEY for moms. We simply don’t have time to focus on practices that are not going to move the needle. 

If you are tired of thinking and feeling a certain way, and you feel like you’ve read the books, listened to the podcasts, and processed the sh*& out of yourself with therapists, coaches, and friends but are still “stuck” in certain ingrained patterns of thinking, being, and doing then you are not alone!! I promise you.

I can support you throughout this ongoing process in whatever ways that work for for you. We can work closely together through one of my programs, or simply join my newsletter below for tools and resources to guide you along the way. 

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